Saturday, February 5, 2011


After over 10 years I was back on the slopes!!!   When I started to loose weight back in Sept. my trainer asked what is your goal?  The only answer I could give was, "I want to fit into my ski pants."  Well, I finally did it!  On Friday the girls didn't have school so I asked Beth if Natalie could play at their house and the Newell's lent us some gloves and helments (helments are new since I was last skiing!)  Darren had to work but said go I needed no more prodding.  I went up with the girls and they each had lessons while I enjoyed the slopes.  I also enjoyed watching the girls learn to ski.  The weather was lousy in the afternoon--rain.  This wasn't bad because there was no ice so the snow was great!  I had the slopes to myself(seriously)  I LOVE skiing! I can't wait to take them up again. These are our photos and a few videos.   T- has on a brown jacket with aqua, H- blue jacket with white, K- purple jacket.  They were troopers and even though we all were soaked by the end, we all left happy and wanting to go again!  Yea for snow!


  1. yay! i'm soooo glad you went. congrats!

  2. Looks like you all enjoyed yourself! Way to get out there and do it!

  3. OOps!
    that last comment was from Ashlee. I am on your account fixing things for you :)
