Thursday, April 21, 2011

Total Tourists--still in Seattle

We got together with Jennifer and decided to enjoy Seattle as real tourists. We enjoyed going up the Needle and we even took the Duck land/water tour.  It was a chilly day but Darren had planned ahead and made sure we were prepared with warm clothing.

Riding the elevator up

Although not a perfectly clear day, we enjoyed the view of the city and bay.

Not another picture was the sentiment here.

The start of our tour 

Natalie wasn't feeling too well by this point-They provide heavy wool blankets to use so we bundled her up and wouldn't you know she stayed awake until...

We were at the water!  I thought she would love this part but she would NOT wake up! 

The girls and Darren as we entered the water

Does this house look familiar?

We stayed with our wonderful friends and here are all our kids together.

We also had a nice visit some other friends, Pam and Erik

Silly pictures with friends